

  • 1. add(E element) – Adds the specified element to the end of the list.
  • 2. addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) – Adds all elements of the specified collection to the end of the list.
  • 3. remove(Object o) – Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from the list.
  • 4. remove(int index) – Removes the element at the specified position in the list.
  • 5. get(int index) – Returns the element at the specified position in the list.
  • 6. set(int index, E element) – Replaces the element at the specified position in the list with the specified element.
  • 7. indexOf(Object o) – Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the list.
  • 8. contains(Object o) – Returns true if the list contains the specified element.
  • 9. size() – Returns the number of elements in the list.
  • 10. isEmpty() – Returns true if the list contains no elements.
  • 11. clear() – Removes all elements from the list.
  • 12. toArray() – Returns an array containing all the elements in the list.
  • 13. subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) – Returns a view of the portion of the list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
  • 14. addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) – Inserts all elements of the specified collection into the list, starting at the specified position.
  • 15. iterator() – Returns an iterator over the elements in the list.
  • 16. sort(Comparator<? super E> c) – Sorts the elements of the list according to the specified comparator.
  • 17. replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator) – Replaces each element of the list with the result of applying the given operator.
  • 18. forEach(Consumer<? super E> action) – Performs the given action for each element of the list until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception.

#java #list #methods


As one of the most widely used frameworks, JUnit is synonymous with unit testing in the Java realm. Its simplicity and user-friendliness make it an indispensable tool for developers. Its seamless integration with IDEs and build tools enables continuous feedback on the code's health.


TestNG extends beyond unit tests to cover a wider range of testing needs, including integration, functional, and end-to-end tests. Its flexibility and scalability cater to both simple scenarios and complex testing environments.


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Unit tests require isolation, and Mockito excels in mocking dependencies, allowing tests to focus on the code under test. It's a powerful ally in maintaining clean test code and offers seamless integration with JUnit and TestNG.

#java #testing